We do not supply cloth / plastic / screens or any advertising signage.
We do not endorse the use of cloth / plastic / screens or any advertising signage on a temporary fence.
If you decide to add cloth / plastic / screens or any advertising signage to a temporary fence you do so at your own risk and responsibility. We would recommend you consult with an independent engineer to advise you how to brace it for extreme weather conditions. Also have the engineer sign off the minimum and maximum wind speeds that they would be prepared to guarantee their recommended bracing method.
There are several potential dangers of using shade cloth or advertising signage on temporary fencing:
There is a strong likelihood that by adding a cloth or advertising signage, that the fence will blow over endangering public foot traffic and passing vehicles. This can lead to injury.
The added weight and bulk of the shade cloth or signage can put additional strain on the fencing, increasing the risk of it being pushed down or knocked over.
The shade cloth or signage can block the view of people on either side of the fence, potentially obscuring important visual cues or information.
The shade cloth or signage can also make the fence more difficult to move or take down, as it may need to be removed or re-positioned before the fence panels can be moved. This can also be a hazard if the fence has blown over due to high winds, as it will take longer to re-instate and possibly causing a serious hazard on the footpath or road.
NOTE: the wind lifts the temp fencing out of the feet. As seen in the below pictures.
Fence Blown Down By High Winds In SF's Mission Injures Two
Fence Blown Down By High Winds In SF's Mission Injures Two